Meet The Team: Morgan Scibetta

Hi! My name is Morgan Scibetta. I grew up in a town outside of Philadelphia, PA, a few towns over from Kelsey's hometown. Kelsey and I logged many hours together snowboarding and working at the rental shop at our little local resort. I have always looked up to Kels (& still do), she has been an amazing snowboarder, friend and all around inspiring human from the beginning.

I moved to Salt Lake City, UT once I graduated high school to do the college thing, but I really just wanted a good excuse to live closer to the mountains. I graduated with a marketing and graphic design degree. I’m happy to say I still live in Salt Lake many moons later, with the exception of a few summers spent working at Mt.Hood.


I have always had a huge passion and love for the arts. Whether it was music, dancing, painting or drawing, I knew that I wanted a career that allowed me to have fun and tap into my creative side. Originally, I was attending college to become an occupational therapist because I love the idea of being able to heal people through art and music. Although I decided to switch paths later down the road, this is one of the reasons why I am SO excited to be a part of the creative portion of Save a Brain and use creativity to indirectly help others heal.

A majority of my creative time these days are spent illustrating and designing for a company called Traeger Grills. I also work with a lot of people and businesses within my community to design logos, illustrations, chalk board signs & merchandise. When I’m not getting crafty indoors, you will find me split boarding in the Wasatch, on a camping trip, or riding my mountain bike with my dog, Buddy. The outdoors really gets my creative juices flowing and the balance of enjoying fresh air and creating things at my desk is so important to me.


A few other fun facts, I’m a big fan of traveling south of the border for waves & margaritas, playing Dixie Chicks on my guitar, and having art shows over face time with my 6-year-old niece.

It has been so inspiring to watch Kelsey throughout her healing journey and see her turn personal experiences into an outlet that is helping and impacting others. I am so excited and honored to be a part of Save A Brain. Cheers!