March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. Over 3 million head injuries happen every single year and that number continues to rise. Together, we can make a difference to those experiencing symptoms after a brain injury.
Join The Pledge To Wear Your Helmet
Wherever you land on the spectrum from helmet curious to helmet police, now is your chance to support Save A Brain by joining the helmet pledge through the month of March for Brain injury Awareness Month.
Start Your Own Fundraiser
This is your chance to make a real difference by supporting a cause you care about. Start your campaign and inspire friends and family to raise money and create meaningful change for the TBI community. Host a yoga class, make a helmet pledge, tell your story, or do anything that brings you joy to share with the world.
Purchase SAB or Collab Merch
Check out our collab items:
Black Strap - Goggle Cover
Get yourself or a loved one a gift of brain health.
All proceeds from purchases made in our shop directly contribute to supporting SAB and the advancement of our new programs.
Making a positive impact would not be possible without each and every one of you! Thank you for your invaluable contribution in helping us save a brain!
SAB relies upon the generous support from this community to continue our programs to educate, create community, and create understanding around this invisible injury.