Name: Summer Fenton

Where are you from: San Francisco

Sport of choice: Snowboarding! But also love to surf!

Interesting fact about yourself: I was valedictorian in high school and graduated a year early. 

What inspired you to partner with Save A Brain?: After hitting my head several times ( shout out to my helmet for saving my life ) and watching close friends go through some gnarly experiences, I know how extreme the effects of brain injuries can be and how important brain education is with the recovery. We only get one brain, so I feel it’s important that we respect, protect and care for it to the best of our ability so that we can live our best lives. I’m honored to be apart of this squad and get behind an organization that will not only be positive to the world but improve the quality of life for others. It may be an unfortunate circumstance that brings us together but dang it’s amazing to be apart of community where we can support, uplift and help one another. Much love, take care of your brain and wear a helmet!!