What is the Brain + A Brain Smoothie Recipe

What is the Brain? What does the Brain even do? Literally hundreds of books and endless careers have been dedicated to answering that question. We are about to attempt to answer it for you in a few brief paragraphs!

The brain does a lot, and I mean A LOT. I think that’s why it can feel so overwhelming to understand or to even comprehend this magnificent structure. The truth is, the functions of the brain are fairly easy to explain in a simple basic way; we just need a way to relate it in terms we can simply comprehend. In my practice as a Medical Massage Therapist I am constantly relating the machine of our bodies to that of a mechanical automobile. Most of us gain the knowledge of basic mechanics around the time we get our license so by the time we are adults we have a basic understanding on how to keep a car functioning. We understand a car needs fuel, oil and a spark to function. Therefore we maintain those things to keep it functioning. The body is the same way, we need food, blood flow and our own “spark” to keep it all going. 

In the simplest way, the brain is that “spark". Our brain is the computer to our body, better yet it is a SUPER COMPUTER. Our bodies are self sustaining machines which are powered by our brains. Our brains tell our organs how to function like taking a breath or your heart pumping blood. Our brain tells our muscles when to move, and when not to move in order to protect us. They also tell us how we feel and what our opinions are. This is what makes the brain SUPER because it has physiological and psychological properties.

On a scientific level our brains are muscles. Just as we work out our core or limbs to be physically strong we must work out our brain to stay mentally strong, not only for our physiological well being but for our psychological too. The brain is so much more than I could ever put into words because it does so much more than what words can even describe. What I have touched on here is the absolute BASICS of what the brain is programmed to do. So take a moment, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and appreciate that giant lump in your skull for the miracles it preforms every moment of every day of your life. 

Written by: Jen Herman



1 cup of spinach

1 ripe banana, peeled

half of an avocado, peeled and pitted

1/2 cup blueberries

1 cup unsweetened almond milk

Blend all of these delicious and nutritious foods together. If you feel you need more protein, add some greek yogurt or your favorite protein powder.