Meet The Team: Chelsie Moore

Hi! My name is Chelsie Moore. My journey in integrative health care and functional forms of wellness began six years ago with my own personal struggle with persistent post-concussion syndrome and chronic neuroinflammation following a series of concussions. I’m an avid mountain biker, snowboarder, and lover of the outdoors based out of Lake Tahoe, and the indescribable experience I went through left me desperately wanted to get back to doing the things that I loved.

After years of not being able to find any solutions and feeling like my entire life had been sidelined, I began to search elsewhere for relief from my daily battle with anxiety, depression, fatigue, and insomnia. In my quest for these answers, I first stumbled across a yoga therapy training program in Salt Lake City, in which I spent two years and 1200 hours studying the various limbs of yoga and learning how Ayurveda, meditation, and asana can provide a healing platform for all sorts of chronic ailments. It was after this that I found Functional Medicine.

I obtained my Master of Science degree in Clinical Nutrition and Integrative Health with an emphasis in Sports Nutrition, Nutritional Psychology, and Chronic Disease. I learned all of the biochemical nuances of health and wellness, and the environmental inputs that can alter our overall sense of wellness. Over the past few years I have been able to bear witness to just how powerful this approach can be for patients with all sorts of chronic disease diagnoses, specifically those with a history of trauma and head injuries.

After finishing graduate school and becoming a Functional Nutritionist, I founded my own practice called Moore Integrative Health where I’ve had the absolute pleasure of serving people of all age categories and health concerns. I completed advanced training in Amino Acid Therapy through the Academy for Addiction and Mental Health Nutrition lead by Christina Veselak and Dr. Hyla Cass. This knowledge has served as a powerful tool to support patients in restoring balanced brain chemistry.

Lastly, I completed advanced training in Neuroinflammation with Dr. Kharrazian and The Kharrazian Institute. I have been fortunate enough to study among some of the world’s greatest experts in this field and am excited to share my clinical experience and knowledge to help others find their own haven of wellness. I’m a dreamer, I’m an optimist, and I am never complacent in my desire to serve the community, specifically the action sports community. I believe that we all have to do our part in making this world a better place, and this initiative of mine is my way of doing so.
